Sunday, December 12, 2010
I Miss you!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Break time...
Friday, October 1, 2010
Scrubs are COOL! RESQ65

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I'll try again Friday...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hospital Clean RESQ64
Friday, September 17, 2010
Listen and Relax! RESQ63
Here is my sample....I was listening to inspiration piece #1 and it reminded me of the piano piece Edward plays for Bella in Twilight...LOL yes, I know, I can't help it I {heart} Twilight.....

Don't forget to use the keyword RESQ63 when uploading to an online gallery or use the inlinxz below:
Friday, September 10, 2010
Physiologist is Back RESQ62

Friday, September 3, 2010
Tools of the Trade RESQ61

Friday, August 27, 2010
Hospital Food RESQ60

Friday, August 20, 2010
Time For Some Therapy!!! RESQ59

Oh we all need some "me time"!!!! Mental health is just as important as any other health issue....maybe more!!! I don't know about you all........but this summer was far from relaxing!!! LOL Now that we have our daughter moved into her dorm room and our son scheduled with his homeschooling for the's time for some stampin' time to enjoy the things I love and renew and refresh!!
This challenge has such potential for huge variety!!! What helps rejuvenate you?? This card shows 2 types of therapy for me............ 1) Coloring with my Copics, which I find very therapeutic!! 2) PINK!!! Yes, I do so LOVE my pink!!! It makes me happy!!!! So my challenge to you is to indulge in some "you time" and show what your therapy is!! It could be a stamping technique, a favorite image or color, or something else!!!!
I used the Rubber Stampede Wild Rose background stamp and Gina K. Designs Pure Luxury cardstock in White, Wild Dandelion and Grass Green. I really enjoy my quiet stamping time just coloring and listening to music!! My music....not my teenagers'!! LOL
Don't forget to use the keyword RESQ59 if you are uploading to a public gallery or site. Or, you can use the inlinxz below:
Friday, August 13, 2010
Flash Those Pearlies!
Don't forget to add the keyword RESQ58 if you are uploading to an online gallery or just use the inlinxz below.
Friday, August 6, 2010
RESQ57: Tape it up!

Please use the keyword RESQ57 if you are posting to an online gallery or just use the inlinxz below to link up your card so we can check out your taped up creations!
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Card Specs: Size: A2 (4.25 by 5.5) Cardstock: Real Red, Summer Sun, White Stamps: Roller Wheel by Stampin' Up; TPC Studios Clear Stamps "Greetings"; computer generated text banner Accessories: Jolene Firetruck, silver brads
Friday, July 23, 2010
Put your Glasses on...RESQ55
Well, my poor baby boy has to wear glasses....{sigh}
Here is my sample...I went simple and used dew drops!

Friday, July 16, 2010
Don't be a hamburger! RESQ54
Friday, July 9, 2010
Drink Your Water! RESQ53
Here on the East Coast we are looking at temperatures in the HIGH 90’s and possible 100’s this week! Yikes! With the temperatures and humidity being so high it’s important not to get dehydrated!
Along with trying to stay cool, you need to be sure you drink enough
fluids. People often blame the heat when they start to get headaches, light-headedness and fatigue. These are often the first signs of dehydration, even if you are not thirsty.
The warm weather encourages people to be outside - working, exercising or just enjoying the sun. All of these activities speed up the loss of body water, with dehydration close behind. Even minimal dehydration (2% to 3%) can negatively impact your physical and mental performance.
Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluid than it takes in. Dehydration can upset the delicate fluid-salt balance needed to maintain healthy cells and tissues. The human body is generally over 60 percent water. The body works to maintain water balance through mechanisms such as the thirst sensation. When the body requires more water, the brain stimulates nerve centers to encourage a person to drink in order to replenish the water stores.
So here are some tips to stay hydrated in the upcoming hot days:
Tips for Keeping Hydrated
1. Have a glass of water when you first get up.
2. Keep a glass of water next to the bed.
3. Enjoy an herbal tea in the afternoon or evening.
4. Carry water with you if away from home for long periods.
5. Drink before you get thirsty.
6. Limit sugary, caffeinated beverages.
7. Choose drinks with 10 or fewer calories.
Know the signs of dehydration. The best choice for fluid is WATER!
*courtesy of Brigham and Women’s Hospital
So for this week’s challenge we want to see any technique that keeps you hydrated...any technique using water and/or a spritz bottle!
Here are some ideas:
Watercolor Spritz:
Mottled Mist:
Misting with Markers:
Misting with Alcohol Markers:
Watercolor Wash:
Ink, Spray and Smash:
Pearl Ex-Luminous Pearls:
Salted Background:

Friday, July 2, 2010
Res-Q 52: Sunshine

Has summer arrived where you live? Not so much where I live . . . good ole’ Seattle. Nothing but rain, rain, and more rain. So you can imagine that we pretty much crave sunshine here in Washington State. When the sun finally appears here, everyone puts on their shorts and tank tops and heads outside, including me! We also tend to stay out in the sunshine for as long as we can . . . sometimes too long, and we pay for it later.
Sunburn – it’s something that I’m sure we can all remember as children to be a miserable experience. Some of us are paying for it now, in our older age. Skin cancer and sun damage are very serious problems. I think we’ve finally realized that protecting our skin is imperative.
BUT! Did you know that as a nation we are Vitamin D deficient? Especially those of us that are “lucky” enough to live in Washington, where we so seldom see the sun. Sunshine is a wonderful source of Vitamin D, and there are studies that have been done that actually say that getting enough Vitamin D can PREVENT some types of cancer. To be specific, the exposure to UVB sun radiation has been shown to reduce the risk of 19 major types of cancer through the production of vitamin D! So some sunshine is absolutely okay!
Here are a few tips to get your supply of Vitamin D, without exposing yourself to skin cancer:
*Get 20 minutes of unprotected sun-to-skin exposure every day. This will meet our most basic needs for Vitamin D. After 20 minutes, though, it’s recommended that you take measures to protect your skin, i.e., hats, clothing, umbrellas, and sunscreens.
* Make every effort to avoid burning your skin. There is sufficient data to know that sunburns cause serious, long-term damage.
*Cover up! The use of hats, shirts and umbrellas offer safe and effective protection from the sun.
*Buyer beware. Before purchasing a sunscreen, consult with a website such as to ensure you are purchasing a product that is both safe and effective.
YOUR RES-Q CHALLENGE: Create a project that includes some “sunshine”, whether it’s the color of sunshine or a sun image. Perhaps it’s a “sunny” sentiment. The sky’s the limit! Go out and spread some sunshine!!
Don’t forget to use the keyword RESQ52 if you are uploading to an online gallery and feel free to link up below so we can check out your sunny creations! Thanks for playing!
Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Winner!! Congrats!
Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010
Rx from the Pharmacist! RESQ 49
Today we would like to welcome a Guest Crew Member for this week's challenge...
Lisa (countrybeamer on SCS) and here is her challenge for you!
This month, my hubby and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary! Of course, those years have included some great times and also some challenging experiences. To add to the fun of it, we are also raising our (11) children!
Because I have learned a little over those twenty years (sometimes form my own mistakes), I wanted to share my "Top Three" Rx for a Happy Marriage or relationship. I'm sure you have your own tope three as well!
1. Give 100% whenever possible! (It s almost always possible!)
2. Don't keep a mental (or written) account of "wrongs"...
3. Speak kindly about your spouse in front of others!
Because this is a month when we oftnen think of brides, this week's challenge is to create a wedding, anniversary or related card!
To remind us of our "Top Three," somewhere on your card place three of something: three brads in a row, three hearts, or three words...
Now, start creating something lovely!
Don't forget to add the keyword RESQ49 if you are uploading in an online gallery or use the inlinx below:
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Close it up! RESQ 48

Friday, May 28, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!
My baby girl's birthday is always on or around Memorial Day! She has worn red white and blue for every birthday since she was born!

Friday, May 21, 2010
Time for an X-Ray RESQ46
Here is my sample... I tried a new technique called's basically doodling but how cool is it? This was also for the Ways to Use it challenge on SCS...use a black pen and be creative!